Treatment and recycling of wastewater

ABC SwissTech has developed solutions for the treatment and recycling of various types of effluents  
  • Mass finishing wastewater ; we have developed very compact systems for treating water from processes using different additives (unlike Centrifuges)
  • Effluent treatment surfaces
  ABC SwissTech always offers its range of centrifuges ; a new unit “low cost” is available from 6 months with & rsquo; advantage of reducing 50% costs d ‘operating. ABC SwissTech also provides :
  • Supply of spare parts for water treatment plants
  • Providing all types of membranes (ultrafiltration, nanofiltration, RO)
  • Service of technical assistance in the management of water treatment plants



We can offer you a wide range of membranes :


  • Ultrafiltration
  • Nanofiltration
  • Reverse osmosis


So that we can prepare a proposal for your spare membranes, thank you send us all the details you have :

  • Photo
  • No reference
  • Manufacturer
  • External Dimensions
  • Cutoff



ABC SwissTech offers a complete range of centrifuge for processing and recycling of water.

The operating principle of d & rsquo; centrifuge is based on the acceleration of & rsquo; water that separates products whose density is different.
We offer manual or automatic centrifuge models. For water with pH Special (acidic or alkaline), some options are necessary.


ABC SwissTech always offers its range of centrifuges ; a new unit “low cost” is available from 6 months with & rsquo; advantage of reducing 50% costs operating.

Plant management


We can offer you a management contract STEP.


We will provide the first step in an audit of your facility to guarantee you a perfect optimization.

Do not hesitate to contact us to define the information our technical department will need.